Lofty Questions are fun, super creative, free and will change your perspective of life.
The main this is to start them right and know what you want.
So - What would be possible for me if.....
What else would be possible for me if...
How would my life be if.....
and my super favourite
What am I not getting about.....that if I would get it would allow me .............
You can't get it wrong but here are some examples for starters:
What would be possible for me if I healed my relationship with money - show me
How would my life be if I forgave everyone who ever hurt me...... show me
How would me life be if everything positive I've already asked for is already on its way - show me
What else would be possible for me if I would stop worrying and start allowing - show me
What am I not seeing about this situation that if I would allow myself to see it would bring..... show me
Aren't they fun. Choose one everyday - repeat it 10 time 3 times a day and notice how your response changes and also what shows up - show me - show me - show me -NOW